000000000000000000      000000000000000000      000000000000000000      0000000

    000000000000000000      000000000000000000      000000000000000000           00
    00              00                      00                      00           00
    00              00                      00                      00           00
    000000000000000000      000000000000000000                      00           00

    Asqi Team setup

    Step 1: Describe your repos in a config file

            $ cat > repos.json <<'EOF'
              "jquery": {"url": "https://github.com/jquery/jquery"},
              "secret_repo": {"url": "git@github.com:secret/repo"}

    Step 2: Mount that into a Docker container:

            $ mkdir -p ssh-keys git db
            $ docker run -v "$PWD/repos.json:/conf/repos.json" \
                         -v "$PWD/ssh-keys:/keys" \
                         -v "$PWD/git:/git" \
                         -v "$PWD/db:/db" \
                         -e "ASQI_LICENSE=your-license-key-here" \
                         -p 3000:3000 \

      We don't yet issue license keys for Asqi Team because it's not complete.
      However, consult the flowchart to see if it's appropriate for you anyway.

    Step 3: Check repo status and explore at http://localhost:3000

    Private repos

    + Asqi Team autogenerates an SSH key per private repo
    + Each of these repos will have a "copy SSH key" button
    + Click the button to copy the SSH pubkey...
    + ...which you can then add as a read-only deploy key in Github

    Once you've done this, Asqi will be able to clone and fetch the repo normally.

    User auth

    Coming soon!

    If you hit the Docker pull limit

    No worries! Just pull the archived copy:

      $ curl -sSL https://dev.asqi.io/asqi-beta1.tar.zst \
          | zstd -dc \
          | docker image load

    If you don't have zstd, I also have a gz version that is
    slightly bigger:

      $ curl -sSL https://dev.asqi.io/asqi-beta1.tar.gz \
          | gzip -dc \
          | docker image load

    Need help?

    Email me at mailto:spencer dot tipping shift-2 gmail dotcom and put "Asqi" in
    the subject line. We're driving westwards across Nevada on the 31st and the
    1st, so I may be slow to reply for a few days.

    Back to asqi.io